Saturday, July 3, 2010

First Look

I have been a marijuana user for 5 years. When I say user, I mean I have been blazing up 2 or more times a day for that time period. I like what weed does and what it helps me with. Last month, I got in a car accident (I was NOT high) and the police found some pot and a pipe in my car. Now I'm facing court and probation.

Like many potheads before me, I have gotten caught by the law. (Which is totally ridiculous that pot is even illegal, but that's a different blog!) So I will probably be facing probation. I consider myself lucky, because I decided to do a drug that has no physical dependency. And yes, it is mentally addictive, but EVERYTHING is mentally addictive. Adults who suck their thumb? They are mentally addicted.

Pot helps me with more than just "feeling fucked up." To be honest, being high is similar to being sober to me because I've done it so much for so long, and I know my limits. Weed helps me sleep and helps with anxiety, which is a blessing in it's self when it's 3 AM and you've got work tomorrow. The process of rolling a joint or smoking a bowl is calming to me, the taste and smell makes me feel better. Weed is more about the process of packing a bowl, smoking it by myself or with a loved one, and letting there be a gap between what happened today and whats happening tonight.

Since I have no interest in trouble with the law, I have now quit smoking weed in preparation for probation. So, what else can I do to give me the same feelings I got with weed? Something that I can sit down with and have some me time? I didn't like this any more than you will, but the answer is K2.

K2 is a legal blend of herbs and spices, sold as incense. The different is, it's sprayed with 'fake weed.' It was invented in the 90's, a man named John Huffman. He was a researcher at Clemson University, who did much of his work revolving around brain receptors and cannibinoids. So basically, he invented a synthetic cannabis-like spray which goes on the herbs of K2.

I read up on this stuff a little, but I was surprised at how little information there is on the subject. I did read that K2 is 3-10 times more effective that THC, that it can cause hallucinations, heightened agitation, higher blood pressure, or even seizures in some.

Sounds more dangerous than marijuana, so why not make this stuff illegal and legalize weed?

There NO information on the long term effects 0f K2. It was not tested on humans, and though it was tested on mice, they were euthanize shortly after the information was collected.

I suppose I am writing this to help other stoners in my place, who just want to get high but can't for whatever reason. K2 varies from person to person, as does weed. This is just a documentation of my experience with it.

Two days ago, I went to a local store that selled K2. I picked up a gram of Citron just before work. I drove to the parking lot at my job, grabbed a pinch (about 1/3 of my healthy sized pipe bowl) and smoked it.

Other than looking different than weed, the first thing I noticed was the taste and the way it felt in my lungs. It does not taste bad, certainly not as nasty as cigarettes, but something about it did taste synthetic. Sort of like how an air freshener smells good, but not in the same way that a camp fire does.

I also noticed that the tickle in your throat that you get from weed was there, but only for a minute. I was able to take a larger drag than I would have with weed, and had no urge to cough. I inhaled deeply and let it sit in my lungs for about 15 or 20 seconds before I exhaled.

The high is indeed VERY similar to weed. After one hit, I felt like I had taken at least two hits of high quality bud. I finished the bowl (I also found that K2 burns much more quickly than weed, and it took fewer hits to empty the pipe) and then I lit a cigarette.

The high was almost exactly like weed. The only difference I noticed was a slight spinning feeling, which I get sometimes when I smoke too much weed. As far as I'm aware, others don't get that with weed, so maybe they wouldn't get it with K2 either. The spin was not making me feel sick or dizzy. It was very manageable. I also noted that my eyes were not nearly as bloodshot or glassy as they get when I am really stoned. I noticed no difference in my motor functions and no little fairies flying around. I felt stoned.

As I walked into work, I realized that I didn't have to worry about whether or not I smelled like weed. Yes, my hands did smell like K2, but quite honestly it smells good and I doubt that many people are familiar with what K2 smells like.

The high, though it was a little more intense than I would have got from a similar amount of weed, faded quickly. For me, when a high from pot wears off I'm left with a little feeling of laziness or sleepiness. K2 wore off completely in 30 to 45 minutes, and then I felt exactly like I had before I smoked it. I have heard people say that they have some left over feelings of anxiety or the shakes afterwords, but I had neither.

Basically, it tasted different and was more intense than weed. Those were the only differences.

I will post more as I continue to have prolonged usage with K2.

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